感谢热心用户的线索提供。近日, 微信 团队宣布,微信卡包新增了铁路电子客票同步功能。用户可以通过绑定 QQ 邮箱的方式,在 12306 平台上开具电子客票后,选择发送至 QQ 邮箱,微信卡包将自动接收该电子客票。
全新2024款苹果MacBookProM4版轻薄本震撼来袭!这款深空黑色的14英寸笔记本,搭载M4芯片、16GB内存与512GBSSD高速存储,分辨率达到3024x1964,支持120Hz高刷新率显示,带来更流畅的视觉体验。Liquid视网膜XDR显示屏、 ...
3月22日,有科技媒体报道称,在亚马逊美国站上,微软 Surface Laptop 7 的部分配置被标记为“高退货率”商品。这一提示出现在产品页面的显眼位置,以黄色警告的形式提醒消费者在购买前需慎重考虑。
The touchpad is a huge glass surface, white in color as well, and smooth to the touch ... Balanced/Standard – allows the hardware to run at 15 to 28W in sustained loads, with the fan ramping up to ~35 ...
华硕ASUS无畏16搭载13代英特尔酷睿i9处理器,拥有强大的性能表现,无论是学生学习、办公处理还是设计创作,都能轻松应对。这款16英寸轻薄本采用2.5K分辨率与144Hz高刷新率的屏幕,带来清晰流畅的视觉体验。现在天猫精选活动售价仅4599元,享受国家补贴8.5折起 ...
Cyclonic Technology enhances suction by separating dust from the air, preventing filter clogging. Multi-surface brushes adapt to different floor types like tiles, marble, wood, and carpets, while ...
近日,网易游戏宣布七日世界正式启动跨平台测试,重点优化移动设备与PC端之间的跨平台功能。这一举措将为玩家带来更广泛的互动机会,让玩家在被洛夫克拉夫特风格生物占据的末日世界中拥有更多建造、战斗和探索的乐趣。 目前,七日世界仅支持PC端体验 ...
The Microsoft Surface line has been one of the go-to options for students, workers, and anyone who needs the versatility of a tablet with the app support of Microsoft Windows. The Surface Pro 11 ...
Surface season 2 premieres Friday, February 21 on Apple TV+. New episodes debut through April 11. Considering Surface is an amnesia thriller, it’s on theme (and maybe a tad on the nose) if you ...
These days, Linux supports a lot of devices out-of-the-box. As a matter of fact, this includes a good portion of the Microsoft Surface devices—for most parts at least. So why would you need a special ...