Designed to deliver a brief, paralyzing electric charge, Tasers are issued by about 90 percent of America’s roughly 18,000 state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies, according to ...
A decision to use a Taser against someone is never taken lightly. Before being used other options are considered. Often simply drawing the Taser or placing a red dot to indicate it may be used, is ...
Four people were shot and injured by police after Tasers used against a suspected fare evader in Brooklyn were “ineffective” in subduing the man. The incident has raised questions about the ...
The audit highlighted concerns about taser use, with four cases exceeding the threshold for use, but acknowledged LCPD's efforts to improve taser policy and training. OIR Group, the auditor ...
A tense confrontation between a Middlesex police officer and a man possessing a knife spilled into a grocery store on Wednesday, forcing a Taser to be deployed several times. The incident started ...
2, 2022, after Mr. Eze grabbed another officer’s Taser during the struggle. The shooting drew the attention of the N.A.A.C.P., which said it had pushed investigators to bring charges.