A Taxi Driver is a thrilling, tear-jerking, thoroughly entertaining Korean film. Based on a true story, the film follows an out-of-luck widowed taxi driver, Kim (Song Kang-Ho), and his struggles ...
Salman Khan is currently shooting for Sikandar in Mumbai, but despite strict security, a leaked video has emerged online showing him inside a classic kaali-peeli taxi.
As the names suggest, Taxi Boss is a popular Roblox simulator where you step into the shoes of a taxi driver and transport passengers to their destinations. In addition to that, you can race against ...
While the Oscar nominations are bringing attention back to last year’s slate of films, the new year promises a new schedule of movies for cinephiles to keep an eye out for. From awards season ...
In this game, you have to run a taxi company, getting customers to their destinations as quickly as possible. They even pay more the quicker you go, so make sure to upgrade your vehicles to turn them ...