Scientists reveal shocking evidence that common tea bags release billions of dangerous plastic particles into every cup you drink. New research shows these microscopic plastics penetrate human cells ...
A growing body of research suggests that regular coffee drinking can lower the risk for liver, endometrial, and colorectal ...
Just by adding two to three drops of rose petal oil to your morning tea, you can take its flavor to a whole new level. The ...
To put an end to such harmful microplastics, Manakondur Rythu Pragathi, a farmer producers’ cooperative society, has come up ...
As the UK's weather takes a turn this weekend, tea drinkers across the nation are rejoicing, with barometer-busting high air ...
Already popular among younger generations, this cheap drink helps naturally slash cholesterol levels and help lower the risk ...
If a person drinks tea in a paper cup even three times a day, then 75 thousand particles of microplastic are going into his body, which increases the risk of kidney damage. Thus, we must learn from ...