(加沙26日讯)据目击者称,数百名巴勒斯坦人周二在加沙北部举行抗议活动,高喊反巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)口号,呼吁结束与以色列的战争。法新社报导,大部分是男性的示威者在贝特拉希亚高喊“哈马斯滚出去”和“哈马斯恐怖分子”的口号。在停火近两个月后, ...
Telegram's founder has announced that the platform now boasts 1 billion active users, getting a little closer to WhatsApp.
(麻坡26日讯) 一名小贩到桌球中心消遣时,摸了17岁女员工女生的屁股,今日在麻坡法庭面控时俯首认罪,被判3年监禁。被告莫哈末尼占(23岁,小吃摊贩),被控于上周一(3月17日)下午约1时30分,在峇株巴辖县一所桌球中心触摸一名17岁两个月大少女的屁 ...
For the company to focus on Telegram makes sense, considering the messaging app is especially popular with users in both Russia and Ukraine. Given the exploit broker’s customers — chiefly the ...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Twitter's iconic bird logo that was removed from the company's former San Francisco headquarters when ...
Telegram founder Pavel Durov said today that the service now has more than 1 billion active users. This number is up from last year’s reported 950 million monthly active users. Durov also noted ...
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s leadership continues to make progress on proposals meant to root out deputy ...
A series of separate meetings between American, Russian and Ukrainian interlocutors have entered their third day as U.S.
While apps like Signal promise privacy, they often skirt open records laws meant to increase transparency around government ...
The European Union on Wednesday outlined that steps that Apple must take to open up its iPhone and iPad operating systems to ...
No one desires that their country is in the list, but putting Nigeria back there should encourage the government to act.” ...