Telegram's founder has announced that the platform now boasts 1 billion active users, getting a little closer to WhatsApp.
(吉隆坡28日讯)缅甸中部今午发生强烈地震,副首相拿督斯里阿末扎希表示深切哀悼,并向受灾民众与罹难者家属致以诚挚慰问。阿末扎希今日通过面子书撰文称,马来西亚将与缅甸人民同在,并祈愿灾黎在这艰难的时刻能够坚强不屈并满怀力量。“我们对缅甸人民致以最深切的 ...
(古晋28日讯)退休老人掉入轻松兼职赚钱陷阱,被骗20万血汗钱。案中的受害者来自古晋的退休人士,近60岁,他是在发现被骗后,到警方商业犯罪调查课报案求助。州警察总监拿督曼查安纳阿达今日通过文稿发布有关讯息。3月中旬,受害者在住家游览面子书时,被工作空 ...
In the fifth episode of The White Lotus, Ratliff was also seen spiraling over the consequences of his business dealings. In a ...
People have killed in the name of faith. But the bloodier record belongs to regimes that tried blotting it out.
Around the world, millions of people have traded the religious traditions of their upbringing for no religion at all.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov says that he has travelled from France to Dubai, even as the French authorities continue to ...
WhatsApp is currently the world’s largest messaging app. However, its position is slowly being challenged by Telegram. According to Telegram founder Pavel Durov, the platform is closer to ...
In its latest Android update, Telegram is adding support for watching videos of your TV via Chromecast (Google Cast) devices. Revealed in its latest update changelog, Telegram says that Android ...
What just happened? Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, has celebrated the communications platform hitting one billion monthly active users by calling rival WhatsApp a "cheap ...
For the company to focus on Telegram makes sense, considering the messaging app is especially popular with users in both Russia and Ukraine. Given the exploit broker’s customers — chiefly the ...
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said Monday that he has travelled from France to Dubai as French authorities continue to investigate criminal activity on his messaging app. Durov revealed his whereabouts ...