A Swiss politician has been fined for buying water pistols online after authorities said the toys violate the country's weapons law.
Lucrative as it is for Big Tech, the U.S. must fight the urge of using its enemies’ tactics: Defending democracy is the one thing that banning TikTok will not do.
(洛杉矶11日讯)美国快时尚品牌Forever 21经营困境难解,近日传出将申请破产,若此事成真,将是该公司六年来第二度申请破产。同一时间,Forever 21已宣布进行大裁员,洛杉矶总部预计砍掉360名员工,并关闭200家实体门市。《洛杉矶时报》报导,根据Forever 21提交的监管文件显示,洛杉矶总部将解雇360名员工,包括首席财务员在内的高阶主管。Forever 21所属的Catalyst ...
Google is testing a new AI-powered 'Ask Play about this app' feature in the Play Store, utilizing Gemini to answer user ...
Retail giant Temu had a meteoric rise to become the most downloaded shopping app worldwide in 2024, but despite that success the platform's expansion plans hit roadblocks in some South-East Asian ...
(美里27日讯)沐胶地区通讯网络信号弱,事主无法及时出示有效路税和保险证明而接到陆路交通局官员开出罚单后,引起广大网民争议,过后经砂拉越交通部部长拿督斯里李景胜从中了解斡旋后,事主之前接到的交通违规罚票被撤销,社交媒体上的帖文已删除。李景胜斡旋撤罚单李景胜今日发表文告,针对近日一起涉及陆路交通局(JPJ)在沐胶设立路障查车时开出传票一事,在社交媒体上引发争议。对此,砂拉越交通部表示已向陆路交通局了 ...
2028年,美国电商渗透率将突破20%,这背后是Temu、SHEIN等高性价比平台的崛起,它们通过线上比价和低价策略,吸引了大量消费者。面对如此激烈的市场竞争,你的品牌logo设计准备好了吗? 在如今这个数字化时代,每个品牌都需要一个独特且吸引人的logo设计。
Relay’s end-to-end parcel delivery service adopts this approach, operating more like a food delivery app. It matches couriers ... now used by Vinted, TikTok, Temu, and U.K. retailers such ...
Once you are ready to try a recipe, tap Start Cooking, and if you navigate away from the app, you'll see what step you are on and the Pestle logo in the Dynamic Island. You can tap it to return to the ...
What you need to know about Temu, the online shopping app dominating download charts Temu's Canadian expansion comes as shoppers aim to support more local brands to help the economy as U.S. President ...
What you need to know about Temu, the online shopping app dominating download charts Temu's Canadian expansion comes as shoppers aim to support more local brands to help the economy as U.S ...
2 in Q4 2024, with Instagram at No. 1. It was followed by WhatsApp, Facebook, and Temu, rounding out the top five. TikTok’s comparison to other apps is a bit uneven because it includes its ...