The retailer currently boasts six million members in its membership scheme, which costs £1 to join. Co-op’s move comes as ...
Which? also found that at Tesco, a Twix white chocolate Easter egg had risen from £5 to £6 and reduced in size from 316g to ...
Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, Sprite Zero, Appletiser and Diet Coke drinks are due to expire in the next couple of months ...
At Tesco, Which? found a Twix white chocolate Easter egg had increased from £5 to £6 on last year and had also shrunk from 316g to 258g, meaning the unit price per 100g had gone up by 47%. Meanwhile, ...
An 80g pouch of Terry's chocolate orange mini eggs at Lidl cost 99p in the run up to Easter in 2024 but has gone up to £1.35 while shrinking to 70g – meaning a price rise of 56% per 100g. The same ...
There are no signs of the pace slackening in the race to win the hearts, minds, purses and wallets of supermarket customers.