Batman: Hush is an interesting comic to try and write a sequel to, because so much of the original is meant as a showcase of everything Batman comics have to offer. Yes, there’s the ...
Heath was only 28 when he passed away. I hadn’t even made Zulu when I was that age. You think of what he might have gone on ...
Batman: Hush may be one of the most iconic stories for the Dark Knight that DC has ever told with the original tale from creators Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee delivering some genuinely unforgettable moments ...
Harley Quinn as a character has gone through quite a lot in her over thirty years of existence, both in and out of continuity ...
These couples were truly drawn together. Here are the 14 greatest animated romances on TV, from Linda and Bob Belcher on 'Bob ...
The legendary actor, who starred as Alfred in Christopher Nolan's 'Batman' trilogy, recalls being "floored" by Ledger's ...
From Life Is Strange to The Witcher 3, here’s some of the most difficult decisions games have asked us to make ...