A life behind bars, but always hope for freedom ... The eyeglasses and watches Leonard Peltier brought home from prison sit on his nightstand in Belcourt, N.D, on Tuesday ...
Leonard Peltier remains defiant. Despite being convicted and sentenced to life in prison, he maintains his innocence in the killings of two FBI agents in 1975 and sees his newfound freedom — the ...
"I'm going to spend the rest of my life fighting for our people ... "And they said 'Put the full weight of the American government on Leonard Peltier, we need a conviction.' ...
The Society of Former Agents of the FBI is harshly criticizing President Joe Biden’s last minute clemency for Leonard Peltier, the indigenous activist who spent nearly 50 years behind bars for the ...
To change the world. With Free Leonard Peltier, filmmakers Jesse Short Bull (Lakota Nation vs. United States) and David France (How To Survive a Plague) achieved their eponymous goal: Seven days ...
Leonard Peltier stands for a portrait in Belcourt, N.D, on Tuesday. "I'm going to spend the rest of my life fighting for our people, because we ain't finished yet. We're still in danger," Peltier ...