There's been quite a bit of excitement among tech enthusiasts regarding the M4 model of Apple's MacBook Air series. This new ...
【CNMO科技消息】2015年3月9日,苹果在加利福尼亚州旧金山举办的“Spring Forward”活动上,推出了一款极具革命性但也充满争议的全新Mac产品——12英寸Retina MacBook。尽管这场活动主要聚焦于即将在下个月发布的Apple Watch,但这款全新MacBook系列的亮相仍然让许多人感到意外。苹果CEO蒂姆·库克将这款新MacBook称为笔记本电脑的“重塑之作”。
Apple's new M3 Ultra is making headlines for packing 512GB of memory, but how does it compare to the M4 Max? Find out in this ...
2015年3月9日,苹果在加利福尼亚州旧金山的“SpringForward”活动上震撼发布了一款颠覆设计的全新Mac产品——12英寸Retina MacBook。在这场聚焦即将亮相的Apple Watch的发布会上,这款新MacBook却成为了意外的焦点。苹果CEO蒂姆·库克不遗余力地将其称为笔记本电脑的“重塑之作”。
2015年3月9日,在加利福尼亚州旧金山的一场名为“SpringForward”的发布会上,苹果推出了一款全新设计的Mac产品——12英寸RetinaMacBook。这款产品虽然在性能和设计上颇具争议,但其发布依然引起广泛关注。当时,发布 ...
MacBook Air with the M3 chip has been on the market for less than a year, so it is at the absolute peak of Apple’s powers. An ...
Right now, the MacBook Air M3 15-inch is $300 off at Amazon, and it's an absolute steal at this price. In fact, this 15-inch ...
苹果今(5日)晚宣布推出多样新品,分别是搭载M4晶片的MacBook Air、M3 Ultra晶片,以及搭载M4 Max和M3 Ultra晶片的全新Mac Studio。 配有M4晶片的MacBook Air让 ...
Apple's new M4 MacBook Air has a lot going for it, starting with the M4 chip itself. A full look at the new release plus one ...
The smaller Air is the perfect student laptop, but once you're out of school you should graduate to the larger but still ...
The Apple MacBook Air M4 is a fast, quality productivity machine and it now starts at its lowest base price. I just wish it ...