在商务笔记本的领域中,ThinkPad X1 Carbon系列一直占据着举足轻重的地位,而X1 Carbon Aura AI元启版的推出,更是将商务本的体验提升到了新高度。 从外观来看,它延续经典简约商务风,A面左上角的ThinkPad X1 ...
入手ThinkPad X1 Carbon 已经三个月了,这段时间里我既感受到了它的诸多优点,也遇到了一些令人头疼的问题。作为一款主打轻薄的办公笔记本,它在便携性、键盘手感和音质等方面表现出色,但在屏幕亮度、机身材质和售后服务上也有一些不尽如人意的地方 ...
When Apple released a slew of MacBook Pros and some of the neglected Mac desktop line on the M4 generation of silicon last fall, one odd exclusion was the MacBook Air. It's Cupertino's most ...
一年一度的MWC展会已经落下了帷幕,本届的主题为“Converge. Connect. Create”,聚焦5G技术、物联网(IoT)、人工智能(AI)、增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)、以及网络安全和数据隐私。除了展示和发布一些全新的技术和产品外,很多厂商还会带来一些“黑科技”或是概念产品,今天笔者就为大家来盘一盘,看看你最钟爱哪一款呢?
When Is the Best Time to Buy a New Folding Phone? New foldables aren't announced as often as regular phones are, but they still arrive with a regular cadence. There's really no bad time to buy so ...
There are two kinds of folding phones in the mainstream at the moment: book-style phones that open to become small tablets and clamshell devices that fold down smaller than a deck of cards.
Summary: This 2024 generation 12 ThinkPad X1 Carbon has improved in many ways from previous generations. The form factor, build quality and screen are the biggest selling points of this laptop, ...
I’ll always be a fan of folding phones. I know they are impractical for many users, and their inherently more fragile nature than traditional smartphones can make them a liability. However ...