Three Mile Island’s Unit 2 reactor had partially melted down that morning, releasing dangerous radioactive gases into the atmosphere and triggering a panic that would grip the nation for days ...
Wizened veterans of Central Pennsylvania’s “No Nukes” movement used the 46th anniversary of the partial meltdown at Three ...
[Advertisement] Jim Lounsbury: A simple mechanical accident at 4:00 in the morning last March at Three Mile Island touched off the worst accident in the history of American nuclear power.
“Where’s the miniseries about Three Mile Island? Where’s the miniseries about Fukushima?” This argument amounts to, “I’ve heard about two other nuclear power plant disasters, thus all ...
The owner of the Three Mile Island nuclear plant is beginning a review of how restarting power operations will impact the environment. The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission in a public meeting ...
Energy officials announced plans to restart a nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island, marking a new partnership ... Moore believes this time will be better. He explained, “That was experimental ...
An accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant March 28, 1979 near Harrisburg, Pa. damaged the reactor core and sent radioactive material into the atmosphere, the government said in an ...
Speakers at a virtual meeting Thursday about Three Mile Island raised concerns about restarting the nuclear plant's Unit 1 reactor, nearly a half-century after its sister became a national symbol ...
The damaged reactor at Three Mile Island was not the first President ... Reporter Steve Liddick of WCMB radio explained to writer Mark Stephens that "Harold Denton was trusted because he looked ...