IT之家 3 月 20 日消息,此前以赛车游戏外设而颇有名气的图马斯特(Thrustmaster)今日官宣正式进军“太空模拟”游戏领域,推出专为太空战斗和探索而打造的操纵杆 Sol-R 1 Flightstick。 Sol-R 1 Flightstick 采用左右手通用设计,握柄与基座共提供 44 个可自定义操作选项,让飞船操控更高效、更直观。 Sol-R ...
For around $200 and under £200, the Thrustmaster Sol-R is a confident first step into space sim territory for a company ...
Racing games have come a long way from being just another genre that people could play seated on a couch with a controller.
Gen. James M. Smith, deputy commanding general of Installation Management Command (IMCOM), visited U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden March 3 to tour facilities and meet with local IMCOM leaders and ...
In fact, Thrustmaster says the new axial design allows ... and having spent months using this as my daily driver, I’m inclined to agree. There are concessions to hit a competitive price point ...
and having spent months using this as my daily driver, I’m inclined to agree. You may like Thrustmaster T300RS GT Edition review: a responsive racing wheel with a few too many rough edges ...
Support our Mission. We independently test each product we recommend. When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. The wait is over. 37 Drivers. 420 Hours. 18,620 Shots. 409,000 Data ...
Let us see how to install the Office free version on a Windows 11/10 PC. In Word, you don’t have options like line spacing, shading, borders, etc. Excel doesn’t have features like conditional ...
Since version 2.0.0 Windows driver has dropped the support of Appium 1, and is only compatible to Appium 2. Use the appium driver install --source=npm appium-windows-driver command to add it to your ...
It is recommended to select Search automatically for updated driver software and let Windows identify, download and install the driver. If an update is found, Windows will download and install it.
This repository contains QCoDeS instrument drivers developed by members of the QCoDeS community. These drivers are not supported by the QCoDeS developers but instead supported on a best effort basis ...
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