The Fenghuoshan Tunnel is part of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, a lifeline that connects the far-flung regions of China to the rest of the country. Crisis for Putin as North Sea oil collapses with ...
Branded a 'miracle' of engineering, the The Qinghai - Tibet Railway is a £3.3 billion project that connected cut-off Tibet to the rest of China. Also known as the Sky Train, the railway opened to ...
Tibet government departments have taken measures to ensure the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, which goes into trial operation as of July 1, is an ecologically friendly route. The Tourism Bureau of Tibet ...
Offensive because in the event of a border war with India, the new railway will fundamentally boost the manoeuvring capability of Chinese troops and weapons to be moved within a short time on a ...
In recent years, as the Qinghai-Tibet Railway opened to traffic, the number of Tibetan farmers and herdsmen who earn a living from tourism has constantly increased. The structure of farmer's ...
This number is expected to further increase since the completion in 2006 of the China-Tibet railway. The Chinese view Tibet as historically part of China. They believe their influence in the ...