The City of Lenoir Police Department introduced four K9 deputies to the city council and assigned the first K9 team to a local high school this past week.
The two specially trained canines are preparing to take on deadly ovarian cancer, a disease that kills one New Zealand woman ...
The date was chosen to coincide with the official birthday of the U.S. Army K9 Corps, also known as the War Dog Program, which began in 1942 when trained dogs were first officially recognized as ...
Jason Jones, 45, was sentenced Friday after previously pleading guilty to 181 counts of failing to provide dog training services as promised and for acts of animal cruelty, the Montgomery County ...
Early trials have shown medical detection dogs picking up ovarian cancer with an incredible accuracy. Two of K9 Medical ...
CAPE TOWN - Despite the widely reported shortage of trained dogs in the police’s K9 unit, it has claimed a number of successes. Last week, the K9 unit assisted in nabbing criminals in at least ...