There are four major credit bureaus which are approved by the Reserve Bank of India and provide credit scores. These are; TransUnion CIBIL, Experian, Equifax, and CRIF High Mark. Every bureau uses ... TransUnion (TRU) introduced the TruVision Alternative Bank Risk ...
A CIBIL score, a three-digit number ranging from ... The most popular credit information company operating in India is TransUnion CIBIL Ltd. The other credit bureaus are Equifax, Experian, and ...
They rely primarily on the credit score provided by credit information companies (CICs) such as TransUnion CIBIL to arrive at the decision. But sometimes such information is either not updated or ...
Through TransUnion CIBIL, we have ensured that the lenders get information about the consumer’s repayment history and their score, which helps them assess the consumer’s credit worthiness ...