"We're also signing agreements in various locations to unlock rare earths and minerals and lots of other things all over the world, but in particular Ukraine," Trump said. He said last month that he ...
Kiev has said it is ready to accept the 30-day truce proposed by Trump. Ahead of the phone talk, Trump said, "Many elements of a Final Agreement have been agreed to, but much remains." The mess over ...
“自从特朗普当选总统以来,业界领袖们响应特朗普总统的美国优先经济议程,包括关税、放宽管制、释放美国的活力等,对数万亿美元的投资作出承诺,这将创造成千上万个新就业岗位,”白宫发言人库什·德赛在一份声明中说。“特朗普总统在第一个任期里实现了历史性的就业、 ...