which triggered the steel arch-shape — continuous through the truss bridge — to tumble into the river. Lubman said film researchers uncovered notes indicating authorities were aware of the risk.
HINSDALE, N.H. — The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) will host a Public Officials/Public Informational Meeting to provide guidance for consultants regarding the future ...
Every Wednesday at 1 p.m. the Highland Falls Senior Citizens Center is open for what’s called a ‘Creativity Session’. It’s led by Jeannette Scott, who has sewing or crafting … Earlier this month, the ...
"It became where safety of the contractor, to be able to lift the bridge... and disassemble it without having a known reaction of what the truss would do became an issue," she said in the interview.
But there are lots of photos the state has taken to remember it by, and PennDOT has recommended making publicly available the approximately 3,700 snapshots that were taken by drone featuring ...