Everyone is invited to join Bobcaygeon’s Uke Troupe on April 6 for an exciting afternoon of music, a la Choir!Choir!Choir!, ...
Big donations of the vintage instruments enrich the stateʻs Hawaiian Music Archives. Soon, you may be able to check them out.
Growing up, you're going to go through loss and growing up in the public, which I have since very young,” said Ella Travolta.
Pop star Dua Lipa had a special surprise for Aussie fans at her final Melbourne show.The Levitating singer is currently on ...
Royer Bockus has composed scores of ditties for couples at the show, adding depth and dimension to Shakespeare’s popular ...
Hawaiʻi State Archives launches "Builder’s Spotlight," showcasing 'ukulele craftsmanship and Hawaiian music tradition, ...
The public is invited to join ukulele beginners Ed, Judy, and Wil for a friendly and relaxed ukulele jam session at Warwick ...