Many metrics are involved in private equity valuations, but first, the firm would have to determine the company's estimated ...
Lerner, Josh, Felda Hardymon, and Ann Leamon. Venture Capital & Private Equity: A Casebook (5th Edition). New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001 (second edition) (with ...
Transform your approach to private equity. Get the right skills and knowledge to maximise your return in this highly competitive field. This programme is suitable for senior professionals with an ...
The first module will focus on portfolio construction and understanding investment risks associated with private investments ... Conceptual Framework: the course is divided into three parts with ...
Listed private-equity funds can offer individual investors superior returns. But picking the best funds requires extensive analysis, says Frederic Guirinec. In the past, private-equity firms were ...
Emerging market private equity investment has grown in popularity ... housing and transportation projects, understanding the important role of these sectors for sustainable economic development.
Despite current challenges, private equity secondaries continue to hold ... balance immediate tactical considerations with a nuanced understanding of structural trends shaping private markets.
Obviously, private-equity-backed businesses can go public ... And we feel that this could actually unlock the understanding, the behavior, the pricing, and make it more liquid.
Investment banking firms traditionally provide expansion capital by selling a company's stock to public and private equity investors. Some also have formed their own venture capital divisions to ...
A new name has emerged among the private equity suitors circling Fonterra’s $2bn-plus Mainland Group – Blackstone.
The push by private equity (PE) firms to acquire independent registered investment advisers (RIA) firms is nothing new. It has been going on for years, however, not at the current pace nor the ...