Thirteen indicators were used to calculate University of Zurich's overall Best Global Universities rank. Here is a breakdown of how this institution ranked relative to other schools for each ...
Regularly enrolled students and doctoral students of the University of Zurich (UZH) have the opportunity to additionally attend ETH courses related to their studies and to take the corresponding ...
The long-term development of the campus, ETH Zurich’s real estate planning, and its requirements for new buildings are all based on the university’s teaching, research and knowledge transfer ...
“The amount of ice melting from glaciers each year is equivalent to the water consumption of the entire world population in 30 years,” study leader Michael Zemp of the University of Zurich ...
Thomas Fritz is an assistant professor in the Department of Informatics at University of Zurich, Switzerland. He received his PhD degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada, in 2011 and ...