When that corn crop comes up this spring, you want it to be green and stay green. One potential issue: if you’re using urea ...
Speaking at Ag Days, Bryce Geisel digs down into nitrogen loss pathways and how applying the right practices can keep your N ...
IPF's on-farm research across southern Australia has shown topdressing with Green Urea NV reduces ammonia volatilisation ...
Forget stress and spicy food. The real cause of most ulcers is a sneaky bacteria hiding in your gut but modern medicine has a ...
Technology adoption continues to grow, but it varies based on farm size and purpose. USDA asked farm operators about their use of a variety of precision ag technologies. Here are some of the ...
Data are accumulating that emphasize the important role of the intestinal barrier and intestinal permeability for health and disease. However, these terms are poorly defined, their assessment is a ...
Physics of Complex Biosystems, Department of Bioscience, School of Natural Sciences, Technical University of Munich, 85748 Garching, Germany ...
Department of Chemistry and The Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37240, United States ...
(2003) Prerigor injection using glycolytic inhibitors in low-quality beef muscles ... Factorial design for the optimisation of enzymatic detection of cadmium in aqueous solution using immobilised ...