Scientists have uncovered how gut-derived compounds in urine can reveal red wine’s anti-inflammatory effects—offering a more accurate way to link diet to heart health. Short Communication ...
Used clinically since the 1920s, corticosteroids interrupt multiple steps in immune activation because of the ubiquitous expression of corticosteroid receptors. Corticosteroids inhibit antigen ...
Anisopoikilocytosis Condition in which RBCs display both sizes and shapes that are variable and abnormal Basophilic Stippling Immature RBCs display bluish flecks or punctate granules when exposed ...
Based on the suspected causes, the dermatologist may order tests and procedures such as: Blood and urine tests to check for signs of infection, anemia, nutritional deficiencies, inflammatory diseases, ...
The A1C test is a blood test that measures the percentage of sugar attached to hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells. The higher your A1C, the higher your average blood sugar levels have been ...
Spherocytosis, otherwise known as hereditary spherocytosis, is an inherited blood disorder that causes red blood cells to become sphere-shaped (spherocytes) rather than their normal disk shape.