Newborns with severe hypospadias often have a utriculus masculinus, or utricle. [23] This structure is a remnant of the urogenital sinus and müllerian duct, a precursor of the vagina that usually ...
FIGURE 8. Schematic overview of utricular VHC ribbon synapse maturation and with advancing age. Summary of the main morphological observations during utricle development. While type II VHCs show very ...
Thousands of marine species from microscopic zooplankton to the largest cetaceans rely on sound for survival and many have evolved unique oral and aural adaptations. Understanding them better could ...
BPPV usually occurs when calcium carbonate crystals, or otoconia, that sit in a gravity-sensing part of the ear called the utricle become dislodged. They then move to the fluid-filled, motion ...
[5] Such cyst in the midline prostate should be termed as prostatic utricular cyst or cystic dilation of prostatic utricle, depending on whether an outlet to the urethra exists. Despite the ...
Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, United States Introduction: The vast majority of cellular studies on mammalian vestibular hair ...
A patient with suspected brain stem glioma involving the area of the left vestibular nuclei and cerebellar peduncle, developed paroxysmal alternating skew deviation and direction changing nystagmus ...