The peace treaty was signed. Prisoners of war were coming home. The last thing America needed was an international incident.
Of course, in the parlance of the Counterculture movement that was taking hold alongside the Vietnam War (in opposition to that conflict), “puff the magic dragon” had a very different connotation. As ...
The USAF aircraft maintenance program continues to evolve as America strengthens it warfighting posture worldwide.
John nearly lost his life while serving in Vietnam when he was shot at by enemy fire. The bullet ricocheted off the top of ...
Vietnam hero Capt. Curtis Wayne Fitzgerald I, 77, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 4. Services for Fitzgerald, under the direction ...
As a somber crowd of about 50 people gathered at Town Square in International Falls, a bell rang as the names of the 18 local men engraved on the black, shiny Wall That Heals were read. Soldiers ...
It was the summer of 1967, 18-year-old Boston boy John McGee had just graduated high school, and the Vietnam War was heating ...