NASA quer manter as sondas Voyager 1 e 2 funcionando pelo máximo de tempo possível, mas isso pode não durar muito.
Em 1990, a Voyager 1 enviou a icónica imagem do Pálido Ponto Azul, tirada a 5,95 mil milhões de quilómetros do Sol. É famosa por mostrar a Terra contra uma gigantesca extensão de espaço.
A agência espacial toma medidas para prolongar vida útil das sondas Voyager 1 e 2 mais de quatro décadas após o lançamento ...
Leia também:Há 5 anos tentamos decifrar sinal de televisão que vem do céu e cientistas americanos acabaram de conseguir As icônicas sondas espaciais Voyager 1 e Voyager 2, lançadas há quase 50 anos, ...
It’s been 47 years since the twin Voyager spacecraft started their historic mission. Having travelled through interstellar ...
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are both exploring uncharted territory in interstellar space.Engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, sent a command for Voyager 1 to power ...
Engineers at NASA have pinpointed some corrupted memory as the cause of Voyager 1's troubles and are working ... inoperable or damaged. Voyager 2 suffered a bit flip in 2010, which caused problems ...
are shutting off one scientific instrument on Voyager 1 and another on Voyager 2. The move will buy both spacecraft a bit of extra time on their journeys through the cosmos. The first of the ...
A NASA decidiu desativar mais instrumentos das sondas Voyager 1 e 2. Em comunicado publicado nesta quarta (5), a agência espacial explicou que a medida foi necessária para garantir que as sondas ...
Nearly 50 years after they were first launched, Voyager 1 and 2 are still traveling around interstellar space — though they've faced some setbacks over the years. Now, NASA has announced that ...
Nearly 50 years after they were first launched, Voyager 1 and 2 are still traveling around interstellar space — though they've faced some setbacks over the years. Now, NASA has announced that the twin ...