Diamond Dallas Page, Lex Luger, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Booker T, Goldberg, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Sting, and Ric Flair ...
Hulk Hogan’s move to WCW helped to bring about the biggest boom period the company ever saw, especially after his historic ...
The greatest heel turns in professional wrestling history have been on the minds of fans since John Cena's now-iconic turn on ...
WCW tried to have a strong tag division since this was the highest level of competition in wrestling as they opposed WWE. Many talented duos like The Steiner Brothers, Harlem Heat, and The Outsiders ...
John Cena's recent heel turn has sparked speculations and emotions among WWE fans. Highlighting three major heel turns in ...
From the channel’s description: “This is where the BIG BOYS play! WCW on YouTube is your destination for full matches, complete WCW pay-per-view events, full episodes of Monday Nitro and ...
Hulk Hogan's heel turn could have happened in WWE than WCW and would have made the Monday Night Wars easier for Vince McMahon ...
In the mid-1990s, World Championship Wrestling (WCW) started paralleling the glitz and glam of WWE. Sparking an outsider invasion storyline, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash started attacking WCW members.
WWE has launched a new WCW Vault channel on YouTube, offering a library of historic matches, events and more from the wrestling company’s former biggest rival, which they acquired from Ted Turner in ...