Inside were nine enormous posters, weathered and folded into sixteenths. Though the text was Cyrillic, the imagery was clear: These were World War II propaganda posters promoting the Soviet-U.S ...
The Brandeis University World War I and World War II Propaganda Posters collection includes nearly 100 different images (a majority from the WWI era) addressing a variety of American war aims. The ...
After students have viewed the History Detectives episode World War II Leaflets, tell them that they will analyze propaganda posters and leaflets. They can use the Propaganda Analysis Guide to do ...
Another purpose of propaganda posters in WWI was to raise morale at home, regardless of the realities at the front. Here Wilhelm and Franz Joseph, the emperor of Austria, are sent scurrying for ...
we must leave Silicon Valley and step onto the battlefields of World War II. When the Germans occupied the Netherlands in 1940, they turned the Haarlemsche Courant into a Nazi propaganda newspaper.
"I hope that propaganda in the past will be used to help visitors think about the war and its history so that it will never happen again.” The exhibit shows posters and daily goods that the ...
After students have viewed the History Detectives episode World War II Leaflets, tell them that they will analyze propaganda posters and leaflets. They can use the Propaganda Analysis Guide to do ...