The following company announcements, scheduled economic indicators, debt and currency market moves and political events may affect African markets on Monday. GLOBAL MARKETS Financial markets made an ...
Dozens of stranded migrants sleep on mattresses in a school gymnasium. In interviews, 25 deportees from around the world said ...
The Ethiopian army said in a statement on Friday, The extremist group calling itself Fano carried out attacks in various areas of the Amhara region under the name Operation Unity. Now, this extremist ...
Fighting between Ethiopia's army and Fano - a loose collection of militias with no centralised leadership - broke out in July ...
Ethiopian troops have killed more than 300 Fano armed group fighters, former allies against rebels in the Tigray region, in ...
“ENDF has taken devastating measures on Fano forces and General Migbe’s forces in South Gondar, West Gondar, North Gojjam, ...
If Ethiopia is to escape the vicious cycle of war, instability, and insecurity, one virtue is essential above all: humility.
Still, the fact that states feel obliged to invoke the norm against territorial conquest even as they violate it indicates ...
Fight survivors of the Tigray war have filed a criminal complaint with the German Federal Public Prosecutor, accusing twelve ...
A new tax that will be imposed on all workers was approved by the Ethiopian parliament on Thursday as part of the ...
Dozens of bus passengers in Ethiopia have been abducted by armed men in the country's largest region, Oromia, as they were ...