该公司重申了对Washington Trust 2025财年每股收益2.75美元和2026财年每股收益3.02美元的预期。目前29.44美元的股价反映出该股以有形账面价值131%的价格交易,以及相当于该公司2026财年预期收益的9.7倍市盈率。此外,约7.6%的股息收益率使得股价较近期34.00美元的定向增发价格低13.4%。
O repreensão de Washington, embora incomum para a Europa, não é novidade. Há décadas, os Estados Unidos vêm abusando dos ...
* Uma reunião de alto risco realizada nesta terça-feira entre altos funcionários dos EUA e da Ucrânia resultou na aprovação ...
Experto: Proveedores chinos cooperaran, pero no deben asumir coste de aranceles ...
Los aranceles adicionales de Estados Unidos a todas sus compras de acero y aluminio entraron en vigor el miércoles, ...
Outside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC on March 7, people protest severe funding cuts to disease and biomedical ...
WASHINGTON, March 9 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Secret Service reported Sunday that its agents shot a man near the White House after an armed confrontation. The agency said that officials encountered the man ...
PBS Washington Week with The Atlantic is the longest-running primetime news and public affairs program on television. The show features a group of journalists participating in a weekly roundtable disc ...
WASHINGTON, March 5 (Xinhua) -- The White House confirmed Wednesday that the Trump administration is having direct talks with Hamas aimed at releasing hostages. The talks, first reported by Axios, ...
根据最新的SEC文件显示,Salesforce, Inc.(NYSE:CRM)董事Robin ...
美国 – 特朗普和泽连斯基当天在白宫椭圆形办公室会面,美国副总统万斯在座。三人在媒体面前发生激烈争吵。美国国家安全顾问、国务卿、众议院议长都表达了不再想和泽连斯基打交道的愿望。