Open Similarvideo and Log into it. Choose Create a Similar Video and click “Create now” button. Find the hottest scripts from Similarvideo‘s library to clone the viral video script. Or you can past a ...
This week's biggest cultural event was the Super Bowl, and the surprise hit was Kendrick Lamar's jeans. Here's why his fashion choice will reverberate among young people. Also: we take a look at ...
What's It Like When Games Get Censored in Japan? The topic of game censorship is difficult to discuss because it's been kicked into the dirt by reactionary opportunists. But on its face, it's a truth ...
Ah, what I would give to be a fly on the wall at a Grammys afterparty. The actual Grammys 2025 award ceremony was only the beginning of the night for most celebrities. Here’s a rundown of exactly ...