Kente Sneakers Comfort Meet Style Through Heritage From Begging to Building: Sunsums Founder Honors Ghanaian Culture, Empowers Artisans ...
The Calvin Louis-Juste ’09 Memorial Award represents one graduating senior that participates in Kente. The student who ...
The slap – given in response to an unscripted joke by Rock about Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith – was all anyone spoke about ...
In Ghana, funerals are more than just a time of mourning—they are full-scale social events where fashion, status, and ...
A new study by Dr. Margherita Mussi, published in Quaternary International, highlights how naturally occurring basalt spheres may have been used by hominin species as a type of tool for more than ...
During an immersive storytelling event on Wednesday morning, students at Johnson Elementary School traveled across the globe to learn about Africa. The event was led by Ada Ari, an educator, ...
It's highly technical work in what looks more like a lab than a museum: A fragment of a glazed roof tile from Beijing's Forbidden City is analyzed in a state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction machine ...