Scientists report that a new class of magnetism, altermagnetism, can increase memory device operation speeds by up to a ...
The film discusses the historical development and principles of electrodynamics, starting with Luigi Galvani's chance discovery of electric current through the twitching of a frog's leg.
Empa researchers from the nanotech@surfaces laboratory have experimentally recreated another fundamental theoretical model ...
Contact: Steven Pollock at [email protected] if you would like to be notified when our materials are updated. Instructors and education researchers are free to use and adapt these materials ...
You will complete eight required practical activities if you are studying GCSE Physics and 21 if you are ... There are no required practicals in the Magnetism and Motor Effect topic.
At the end of your GCSE Physics course, you will sit two exam papers. You will be entered for both papers at the same tier (either Foundation Tier or Higher Tier). Each paper: is worth 50% of your ...
Download a zipped file containing all course materials except assessments and solutions. (see below) [65 MB] Don't know where to begin? We'd suggest starting off with the clicker questions... Download ...