Palo Alto Networks has shared details on several high-severity Mitsubishi Electric and Iconics SCADA vulnerabilities.
The ISA112 consensus-based technical standard identifies and promotes best practices. When it comes to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, oil and gas industry users and vendors ...
If you’ve ever worked in an industry that relies on heavy infrastructure, you’ve probably heard of SCADA. If not, congratulations, you have managed to avoid one of the more unglamorous but ...
SCADA Systems Use Data Analytics for Better Decision-Making, Predictive Maintenance, and Operational Efficiency. The SCADA market is growing at a tremendous rate because of the rising demand for ...
From the operators on the plant floor to the execs in the C-suites, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) data is expected to be available. Production data, key performance indicators, ...