Two white-tailed eagle chicks have fledged from a nest in England, in only the second time the birds have bred here in 240 years, conservationists said. The male chicks are the offspring of two ...
White-tailed eagles, described as a native component ... with the aim of establishing a viable population. One hundred eagle ...
A solar energy company planning a megaproject near Kushiroshitsugen National Park in Kushiro, Hokkaido, has provided ...
A recent study indicates that the feeding areas of white-tailed eagles and cormorants in the Baltic Sea overlap. Both species hunt fish, but the white-tailed eagle also preys on water birds, including ...
Mr Richards said it was "very rare" to see such a bird at the local reserve and to his knowledge, it was "the first recording of a white-tailed eagle landing [here]". Mr Richards developed a love ...
Natural England is considering licensing the release of the raptors in Exmoor National Park — and the threat to pets and livestock is considered to be low.