Extracting inimitable, stinging tone from his Tele with just his fingers, Albert Collins carved a hugely influential sonic ...
Using the right gear, lures, and tactics will help you catch more bass ... grander scale, some anglers also give up on entire bodies of water because success doesn’t happen fast enough. The reality is ...
MusicRadar verdict: The Space 4 is a cracking all-rounder of a bass. It's as perfectly poised at the angrier end of the ...
The Spring-into-Summer offerings this year in the classical realm are as rich, diverse, and extensive as ever.
An evocative reading of Tippett's early masterpiece sits proudly alongside a blistering performance of Beethoven's lasting ...
Best Dance Songs of All Time: 100 classic dance music songs, from house to techno to electronic to dubstep to disco to ...
Wilson's new solo album is influenced by the experience space travelers have when seeing Earth from outer space ...
Timeless, iconic, yet also indisputably a product of the era in which it was designed, the Stratocaster was shaped in huge ...
The veteran instrumental outfit from San Diego, CA, The Sure Fire Soul Ensemble, continues its smooth grooving ways on the ...
whose glum tone suggests that surrender might be imminent. Now, wait a minute. All this hand-wringing might be a little premature, if not misguided. Maybe we have got this whole thing bass-ackwards.