Maryland is the most recent state to introduce legislation to exonerate those convicted of witchcraft centuries ago. But why ...
When nine Huntingdonshire people were accused of witchcraft in 1646 ... on the site of the building where the 17th Century trial took place. "For many people, the Civil War was the world turned ...
A witchcraft trial in England, 17th century. A suspected witch is lowered into the water to find out whether she would survive. If she did, she would be regarded as a witch. Witchcraft was a ...
Fife’s local government has launched a campaign to find the remains of a 17th century witch – and it ... accused and put forward for trial for witchcraft. Her crime? Apparently having ...
Reader Christine Prior reviews a dark, moody, though-provoking production currently showing at Bury Theatre Royal ...
Witches and healers had existed and been accepted as members of society for centuries. During the later years of the sixteenth century, though, it was commonly believed that these people received ...
The plotters were caught and were executed for high treason. Witchcraft was a criminal offence until 1735, and was punishable by death during the Tudor and Stuart periods. Witches were seen as the ...