The ants are there not to devour the house itself, or devour the wood itself, but rather they’re foraging for food—maybe food that’s around the house if you have vegetation or trash ...
Carpenter ants vary in size from ¼ to 1/2 inch; they do not eat wood like termites, but they will excavate damp wood in your house to create galleries where they nest. Another type of ant you may ...
There are two main species of wood ants - hairy wood ants and red wood ants. Hairy wood ants are a northern species in the UK, but they are found as far south as mid Wales. They are less fussy ...
Visit BBC Webwise for full instructions There are two main species of wood ants - hairy wood ants and red wood ants. Hairy wood ants are a northern species in the UK, but they are found as far ...
In project SpecIAnt we study speciation and hybridization using wood ants as a model system. We focus on the recently diverged Formica rufa group wood ants, many of which occur in Southern Finland ...
It seems that the tiny wood ant is something of an expert on reusable energy. The intelligent design of the nest makes it a perfect place to live. Gabrielle Flinn from the RSPB explained that the ...
It seems an ideal place for you and your teddy bears to picnic. However, the spot is already taken. Compounded of leaf litter, pine needles and forest debris, these mounds are multi-storey homes to ...