The X-37B spacecraft’s latest mission was shorter than the last but tried several new maneuvers and approaches during its ...
After aerobraking to a low earth orbit and completing its test and experimentation objectives, Mission 7 successfully ...
"The successful execution of the aerobraking maneuver underscores the U.S. Space Force’s commitment to pushing the bounds of ...
美国军方绝密的X-37B太空飞机在轨道上执行了为期434天的神秘任务后返回。据美国太空部队(U.S. space Force)说,这项神秘的任务为可重复使用的太空 ...
The seventh flight of the reusable space probe X-37B ends with a successful landing in California. The largely secret mission ...
The X-37B spaceplane touched down on Runway 12 at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, at 11:22 pm local time Thursday (2:22 am EST Friday), capping its high-flying mission with an automated ...
The U.S. military's mini space shuttle has returned to Earth after circling the world on another secretive mission that ...
The X-37B is a reusable robotic space plane operated by the US Space Force. It resembles a miniature space shuttle at just ...
The secretive exploits of the X-37B spaceplane continue. After spending 434 days in space, the crewless Space Force craft ...
A TOP secret US spaceship has touched down on Earth after spending 434 days in orbit. The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle-7 landed ...
The U.S. Space Force said in a news release that the craft had "accomplished a range of test and experimentation objectives." ...