8 小时
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNX3D继续火爆!技嘉X870冰雕主板开箱测评AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D的热度不减,性能更强的Ryzen 9 9950X3D也已开售,而9700X和9600X也都到了非常适合入手的阶段,AMD平台可以说是现在很多用户装机的首选。
4 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN再攀游戏新巅峰 AMD 锐龙9 9950X3D处理器评测AMD锐龙X3D最新旗舰 锐龙9 9950X3D上市 ...
4 天on MSN
以4K分辨率下,这款处理器会有怎样的性能表现,该处理器除了本身和X3D模式外,还有一些其它的玩法,不同“状态”下的锐龙9 9950X3D,又会带来怎样不同的体验?
若要用一句话定义锐龙9 9950X3D,它堪称AMD在游戏与生产力领域的"双料王座"——不仅弥补了锐龙7 9800X3D核心数量上的局限,更实现了高帧率游戏表现与专业生产力需求的双向突破。或许可称之为桌面级处理器历史上最为全能的产品。
The new top model Ryzen 9 9950X3D (ab 789 €) should actually cost 769 euros, while the Ryzen 9 9900X3D (ab 659 €) should cost ...
AMD's new Ryzen 9 9950X3D and Ryzen 9 9900X3D processors have gone up for sale at Newegg, but stock isn't likely to last long ...
"The AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D is extremely powerful in games, which makes it easier to recommend than other recent processors like ...
AMD在昨天上市了两款旗舰锐龙9 X3D处理器:AMD 锐龙9 9950X3D/AMD 锐龙9 9900X3D,这两款处理器采用锐龙9000系列的Zen5架构以及4nm工艺设计,支持超频,并基于AMD第二代3D ...
Just like the 9800X3D, the 9950X3D has been juiced up with AMD’s second generation 3D V-Cache, offering consumers another high-octane option for their desktop PC. How much more, you ask? Keep reading ...
This is, of course, a result of the 16 physical Zen 5 cores, as well as the massive 3D V-Cache that separates the X3D lineup from AMD's regular processors. More like this AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D ...
The AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D already took the gaming PC world by storm. Where does the AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D, with its 16 cores and ...
Right, now the 9800X3D then ... What is X3D? The X3D cache on Ryzen processors is a unique technology developed by AMD to enhance gaming performance. The X3D cache, or 3D V-Cache, involves ...