IT之家 3 月 27 日消息,EA Sports 和 Codemasters 今日宣布赛车游戏新作《F1 25》将于 5 月 30 日全球发售,登陆 PlayStation 5、Xbox Series X|S 和 PC。 今年适逢 F1 赛事的 ...
The new Game Bar makes it easier for users to get the information they need. The Xbox March Update is here, bringing a new ...
近日有消息显示,PlayStation美国商店的预购榜单中出现了多款Xbox旗下工作室开发的游戏,其中夺宝奇兵:古老之圈和极限竞速:地平线5排名靠前。这一现象引起了业内人士的关注,知名科技博主Tom Warren也在社交媒体上发表了看法。他认为,这表明PS5用户对Xbox的游戏作品表现出较高的兴趣,这一观点也引发了海外玩家社区的广泛讨论。
Remastered and more games are joining Xbox Cloud Gaming's "Stream Your Own Game" library, while other features roll out.
Microsoft’s Xbox Cloud Gaming service is adding seven new games to the Stream Your Own Game collection this week, including ...
In-game benefits are among the myriad of perks that Microsoft provides to PC Game Pass and Game Pass Ultimate subscribers.
Xbox is testing a new feature called Game Hubs that appears when trying to launch a game, bringing up an additional screen of ...
Dreamhaven has revealed a number of in-development projects at its showcase presented by The Game Awards, including ...
Part of the Amazon Spring Deal Days sale, the best version of the 4K Fire Stick has been dropped by over 30%—making it a huge ...
Xbox is calling this "Game Hubs", and is testing it with a random subset of Alpha and Alpha Skip-Ahead Xbox Insiders to begin ...
另外有玩家指出,Windows 设备封锁 Steam 游戏并无先例。如果新款 Xbox 掌机采用微软的系统, 索尼必须采取特殊手段才能阻止他们 Steam 平台的 PC 游戏在该掌机运行 ,或停止在 Steam 商店发行游戏。
Lossless Scaling - magic, science, or just really good code? Here’s how it helps older PCs handle modern games.