Melissa Miranda owns Pedro the Yorkshire terrier who went missing on Feb.7 from Advanced Pet Care Clinic in Cedar Falls.
Roaming the open road hits differently when your copilot's got floppy ears and a nose that sniffs out adventure before you ...
Silky Terrier Though they might resemble their Yorkie cousins, Silky Terriers are a breed of their own ... leaping over rocky Mediterranean terrain with grace and speed. Their long legs, slim bodies, ...
Everything comes in close in this common position, into a tightly wound ball, in a sense. Legs are tucked in, the back is curled, and sometimes the nose even reaches the rear. You will find this ...
The last five singers of the season will be introduced - Cherry Blossom, Mad Scientist Monster, Nessie, Stud Muffin and Yorkie. James' kids all run out to surprise him along with his wife!