Leach test for total oxide copper, 5% H2SO4 Leach (AAS) prepared sample (0.5g) is leached with 5% sulphuric acid. ***Cu-AA07n: Leach test for total oxide copper, H2SO4/Na2SO3 Leach (AAS) When exposed ...
Cu-AA07n: Leach test for total oxide copper, H2SO4/Na2SO3 Leach (AAS) When exposed to dilute H2SO4/Na2SO3 solutions Cu oxide dissolved. The sample (1 g) is leached in 50 mL of dilute H2SO4/Na2SO3 ...
In addition, metallurgy studies of the samples showed copper to be in oxide form up to 74.4% and averaged 40.3%, 42.1%, and 58.4% copper oxide utilizing 3 different leach tests. Copper in the ...
National Engineering Lab for Textile Fiber Materials and Processing Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, P. R. China Zhejiang Provincial Innovation Centre of Advanced Textile ...
Energy and Environment Science & Technology, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402, United States ...