I need a transcription tool to help with my interviews, but Apple Intelligence can’t recognize speakers. Fortunately, the ...
Apple's latest update to the entry-level iPad doesn't add much, sits in a strange spot in the lineup, and is not powerful to ...
Apple's AI suite missed the boat and missed the mark, and it needs to fess up. Plus all the news, rumors, and tips you missed ...
Apple Intelligence is falling behind its AI rivals, and the fact that its Swift Assist coding tool is missing in action has ...
Apple's failure to deliver the full Apple Intelligence Siri experience has us all reevaluating the company's vaunted status.
Apple wants to make it transparent to users when Apple Intelligence is switched to the cloud. But the reports are often empty ...
IT之家 3 月 14 日消息,苹果分析师郭明錤今日发文称,苹果 Apple Intelligence 功能未能有效刺激用户升级 iPhone ,对 2025 年出货的帮助低于预期。
苹果公司近期为开发者群体带来了iOS 18.4 Beta 3版本的更新,此次更新中最引人注目的变化便是Apple ...
【CNMO科技消息】距离苹果上次更新Apple TV 4K已经接近两年半,许多用户都在期待新款产品的到来。那么,下一款Apple TV 4K何时会发布呢?根据最新消息,等待的时间或许不会太久。 尽管目前关于新款Apple TV ...
Apple handles AI tasks on-device wherever possible, but where more power is needed it can call on Apple Intelligence ...
而如今,在 iOS 19,毛玻璃将迎来新一轮的重塑与强化,最终可能成为三个终端设备的共同交互认知——在 iPhone、iPad 与 Mac 等基于屏幕显示的移动终端上,毛玻璃材质用于平面层级的轻量化交互; ...