一位四十多岁的澳大利亚男性成为世界上首位带着人工钛心脏出院的患者。钛心脏相当于一个持续运行的泵,通过磁悬浮转子以规律的脉冲推动血液流向全身,它是为等待心脏移植的心力衰竭患者设计的临时解决方案。这位患者在植入钛心脏后生活了三个多月,直到接受心脏移植手术 ...
The man had undergone a procedure that lasted for six hours to have the artificial heart implanted. Read more at straitstimes ...
An Australian man lived for 105 days with a titanium artificial heart that uses magnetic levitation technology before ...
一名男子在人工磁悬浮心脏在胸腔内工作的情况下,已经活了 100 多天。今年早些时候他出院了,成为世界上第一个带着嵌入体内的装置离开医院的人,这是一个具有里程碑意义的时刻。 去年 7 月 26 日,BiVACOR ...
BiVACOR发明者Daniel Timms,竟是水管工出身!因父亲死于心衰,他自学工程学,用五金店零件模拟人体循环系统,终在25年后造出“救命心脏”。专家盛赞这是“颠覆性突破”,未来或成永久性替代方案。
The patient was also the first person in the world to survive with the total artificial heart for over 100 days.
Bivacor公司近日宣布,这名澳大利亚临床试验患者在3月初接受心脏移植之前,使用其全人造心脏达创纪录的105天。该患者还能够出院,并且在被召回进行移植手术之前在院外停留了近四周。去年试用Bivacor心脏的五名美国患者中,使用该设备的时间都未超过一 ...
BiVACOR has made the world’s first titanium heart and is hoping to manufacture the device commercially in Australia and the US within three years. The outspoken investment banker is the chairman ...
据《自然》近日报道,一位四十多岁的澳大利亚男子成为了全球首位在医院接受钛心脏移植手术的幸运儿。这款名为BiVACOR的全心脏替代装置目前只是心力衰竭患者等待心脏捐赠期间的权宜之计。三个月后,该男子顺利接受了一颗捐赠的人类心脏,如今恢复状况良好。这一全 ...
An Australian man suffering from severe heart failure lived for more than three months with a titanium heart while waiting ...
The man, who was in his 40s and suffering from severe heart failure, was also the first person to leave the hospital with a ...
"Discover the latest groundbreaking achievements in cardiology, from the first robotic-assisted heart surgery in Ventura County to the world's first living mitr ...