The 'Big Brother' alum believes, whether she was recruited as a Traitor or not, she had no shot of winning in the end.
Voted out in the very last Round Table of the season, Britney was unanimously (outside of her own vote) banished by Dylan ...
Britney Haynes once again crushed the reality TV dreams of Danielle Reyes, this time on the season 3 finale of The Traitors. The history between the two dates back to Big Brother Reindeer Games, when ...
At the beginning of Thursday’s (February 27) penultimate episode of the season, Reyes selected Haynes to be her fellow ...
As CinemaBlend predicted following the previous week's cliffhanger, The Traitors' Britney Haynes was indeed fooled, and she ...
The Traitors’ season three has finally come to an end. Did the Faithfuls succeed or will Reyes and Haynes pull off a victory?
The “Traitors” season 3 finale marks the second time the “faithfuls” have won the game. “Faithfuls” Chris “CT” Tamburello and ...
"The Traitors" Season 3 has wrapped and fans now know whether the faithfuls or traitors took the final prize pot worth over ...