Finally decent dictionaries based on the Wiktionary for your beloved eBook reader. Daily updates & 15 locales supported so far.
Web EPUB and PDF text to speech document reader. Read documents in realtime with high-quality TTS; or extract audiobooks. Use your own Kokoro TTS API or Open AI API endpoint. Book's Story — Material ...
The drop test simulates the effect of an impact on the e-reader by dropping it in a tumbling drum six times. After the test we rate the amount of damage. In cases of serious damage, we repeat the test ...
The Authors Guild is looking to counteract AI with a new certification system that lets everyone know that a real author wrote this.
Just as flower buds are beginning to bloom to mark the seasonal shift toward warmer months, Amazon is hosting its first big ...
Ebook readers are miracles of technology. You can hold literally thousands of novels, textbooks, biographies and even graphic novels and cookbooks in one thin, lightweight device that you can ...
It also comes in both portable and installer versions, so as a user, you’re able to carry it on a USB flash drive to read documents on any computer anywhere. Another point to note here is that the ...