Greece, having emerged from the "dark" decade of economic crisis, now appears as one of the bright "beacons" of growth in Europe, with forecasts remaining optimistic for 2025.
At the Piraeus Nautical Club, George Xiradakis, founder and CEO of XRTC Business Consultants, and Baochun Wang, general manager of CCS Athens-Greece, welcomed their guests, who had the opportunity to ...
Professor Alice Roberts takes to the railways of Greece and Turkey as she learns about the ancient Greek civilisation that has had such a powerful effect on our lives today.
当然,谈到“ancient”,我们也无法忽视它在科学研究中的重要性。考古学家们通过挖掘古代遗址,研究古代文物,试图还原古代人类的生活状态和社会结构。这不仅帮助我们更好地理解历史,也为现代社会的发展提供了宝贵的借鉴。比如,通过对古代农业遗址的研究,科学 ...
据气象部门预测,春运期间特别是除夕前后寒潮大风来袭,对能源物资运输船舶的航行带来影响。“我们加强与气象、交通、公安等部门的沟通协调,通过电子巡航、VHF、微信群、手机短信等多种方式,及时发布恶劣天气预警信息,提醒督促船舶做好防范,最大限度避免和减少恶 ...