The haptic wakeup option is perfect if you don't want to wake up anyone else in the house, but watchOS 11.4's tweak is a much ...
苹果正在研究一种可折叠的Apple Watch设计,这意味着未来不仅能看到折叠iPhone和iPad,折叠Apple Watch也有可能成为现实。 根据专利文件显示,苹果正在探索利用铰链设计,让Apple Watch的屏幕像折叠手机一样实现上下翻盖折叠,或者通过滑动结构来展开屏幕。 这种设计将使Apple Watch拥有更大的屏幕空间,在浏览网页或观看视频时,能够提供更宽阔的视觉体验,而在不使用时 ...
As of March 25, the Apple Watch SE (2nd Gen, GPS, 40mm) is on sale at Amazon for $169. That's 32% off its list price of $249.
It's been three years since Apple released the Apple Watch SE 2, and we're long overdue an update. Here's the skinny on what ...
Apple released watchOS 11.4 with a new feature allowing alarms to break through Silent Mode, addressing user concerns about ...
According to king of Apple leakers, the next Apple Watch might have a camera and AI – but what will this actually do?
In addition is surfing and snorkeling, the Amazfit T-Rex 3 also supports pool swimming, open water swimming, fin swimming, ...
另外,手表不是苹果唯一计划添加摄像头的可穿戴设备。Gurman在去年12月曾报道称,苹果正在研发为未来的AirPods添加红外摄像头。红外摄像头可以用于多种方式,包括检测空中手势、与Apple Vision Pro等设备配合增强空间音频等。
Sale 2025 has officially begun, and Macs, iPads, AirPods, and Apple Watches are all heavily discounted. Save up to $400 ...
随着科技公司的不断进步,用户对智能设备的需求也在持续升级。 Apple Watch Ultra 3 即将发布的消息如同一阵强风,迅速吸引了众多科技爱好者的关注。作为Apple手表系列的高端产品,该型号将带来革新性的功能,其中卫星通信功能尤为引人注目。科技产品的不断迭代与技术创新,不仅推动消费者的换机需求,也重塑了市场格局。与此同时,iPhone ...
4 小时
至顶头条 on MSNApple Watch 终于迎来期待已久的闹钟功能更新watchOS 11.4 为 Apple Watch 用户提供了一个全新的静音模式下闹铃功能,允许用户自定义闹铃是否播放声音。
5 小时
威锋 on MSNApple Watch Ultra 3 配备卫星连接和新的 5G 调制解调器据彭博社的马克·古尔曼 (Mark Gurman) 称,今年即将推出的 Apple Watch Ultra 3 将配备卫星连接和新的 5G 蜂窝调制解调器。 苹果首次在 iPhone 14 中引入了用 ...